The injection techniques for the spinal column that we use at Rugpoli are undertaken in accordance to the guidelines of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Anesthesiologie (NVA), supplemented with protocols from the International Pain and Spine Intervention Society (IPSIS). IPSIS is an association that has been active for over 20 years in the United States. The association looks at scientific, well-founded use of injection techniques for the spinal column.

If your complaints do not improve sufficiently, or quickly enough, with musculoskeletal or mechanical therapy, an injection may yield results. Often a structure can be indicated that is causing the pain. In order to fully confirm this, the medical practitioner can administer a local injection under x-ray control. Once the source of pain has been ascertained, the medical practitioner can inject a small quantity of anti-inflammatory medication, to reduce irritation. In this way the medical practitioner can inject joints, intervertebral discs and inflamed and trapped nerves (caused by a hernia or stenosis), to help alleviate pain.
A combination of these injections with musculoskeletal and mechanical diagnostics and treatment, can yield lasting results. Research in the United States and our own research show that in 80% of hernia cases our treatment is sufficient. Therefor you may not need surgery.